
PPC with Google Ads

Start generating leads today with Google Ads and PPC

Google Ads is a powerful lead-generation tool for businesses of all sizes. With Google Ads, you can cost-effectively reach your target audience and generate leads quickly and efficiently.

PPC Advertising, or Pay-Per-Click, allows you to control how much you spend on each click, so you’re never overspending to get the leads you need.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform. Allows you to create campaigns, set budgets, and control your target audience to deliver the most relevant ads possible to generate leads. Offers a wide range of features and options including Google Search Network and Google Display Network (Ads across Google partner websites).

Running google ads, also allows you to create remarketing campaigns, which are excellent for lead generation.

Google Ads tools, google ppc,

What is Pay Per Clic?

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, and it’s an advertising model in which you pay Google each time someone clicks on your ad. The advertising platfom uses an auction system to determine the cost of each click and the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for it. With PPC Ads, you can control your spending and set a budget for each campaign that fits within your marketing budget.

ppc ads, ppc advertising, ppc campaign, ppc

Benefits of using PPC with Google Ads Lead Generation service

Wide range of features and options to help you generate qualified leads.

Control your spending and ensure that each click is cost-effective.

Track leads, so you can see which campaigns are working best and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Target specific audiences: so you can generate the most qualified leads possible.

Fast and efficient way to launch campaigns, so you can start generating leads quickly.

Powerful lead-generation tools for businesses of all sizes.

Allows you to generate quality leads cost-effectively and track the results of your campaigns, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Great way to maximize the efficiency of your lead-generation efforts.

Increase sales, and increase revenue in a short period of time

Drive traffic qualified to your website or landing page.

How Can Google Ads Help Generate Leads?

The platform is an effective lead-generation tool because it allows you to target your ideal customers and create ads that are tailored specifically to them. Also allows you to track leads, so you can see which campaigns are working best and adjust your strategy accordingly. Additionally, with Google Ads, you can quickly launch successful campaigns and start generating leads fast.

Using Google Ads for lead generation is an efficient way to generate leads quickly and cost-effectively. Google Ads can be used to target a wide range of audiences to generate the most qualified leads possible.

By leveraging PPC, you can control how much you spend on each click and ensure that your spending is within your budget. With Google Ads, you’ll have everything you need to generate quality leads.

PPC Ads Campaign Objectives

Offers several different objectives, including Lead Form submission, Call Extensions, and App Installs. Each objective has its unique features and benefits that allow you to customize your campaigns and optimize for the best results.


Unlock the power of customer action and see your leads skyrocket! By prompting customers to take specific steps, you can propel conversions and elevate performance. It's a simple yet effective way to grow your business success.


Ready to take your business success up a notch? Drive increasing sales online, in app, by phone and/or in-store - the possibilities are endless!

Website Traffic

Reaching the right audience is essential for any website's success. Connect with your target demographic by utilizing strategies like optimization - that way you can get more people interested in what you have to offer!

Product and Brand Consideration

Uncover the potential of your offerings and empower yourself to discover what they have to offer!

Brand Awareness and Reach

Boost your visibility by reaching out to a wide range of people and get the word out about what you have to offer! Developing awareness can help expand your influence, so don't be afraid to think big.

App Promotion

Maximize excitement for your app by gaining more downloads, increased user engagement and pre registrations. With the right strategy in place you can ensure that every launch is a success!

Local Store Visits and Promotions

Get the word out about your local business! Encourage visitors to take a road trip and check out all of your amazing restaurants, stores, and dealerships. It's time to revitalize foot traffic in these establishments - drive visits today for tomorrow's success.

Ppc Advertising Campaign Type

Google ad offers several different types of ads, including text, images, video, and shopping. Each type has its unique features so you can choose the right one for your needs.

search ads, search campaign, search campaigns, search results, search queries, text ads, relevant keywords


Uncover the best opportunities to reach prospective customers when they are searching for something relevant and have the intent to buy

google display network, image ads, paid ads, digital marketing, ad campaigns, ad creative


Grow your brand's customer base with engaging creative content across 3 million sites and apps! Increase visibility of your business, connect customers to relevant products or services, and drive the growth of your enterprise today.

Video Ads


Attract viewers to your YouTube channel and turn them into customers with compelling content!

Performance Max

Make your message heard all across Google with a single advertising campaign! Discover how unbelievably easy it is to broaden the scope of your efforts and maximize reach.

Shopping Google Ads Campaign


Introduce shoppers to the perfect items they didn't know they needed! Make a lasting impression by highlighting your products as customers search for their next purchase.


Take your business to the next level with targeted advertising on YouTube, Gmail, Discover and other premier networks. Reach customers in all the right places - advertise where they already are!

Google Ads Terms to Know

Getting your Google Ads up and running can be confusing, but with the right knowledge under your belt you'll have a leg-up on success! To ensure maximum effectiveness of your PPC campaigns, brush up on key terms like CPC (cost-per click), CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or CTR (click through rate). Once these concepts become second nature to you, managing ads will get easier than ever.

Ads Rank

Every time you launch an ad, Google calculates something called “Ad Rank”. This is a ranking mechanism that takes into account how much money you bid on an ad, the quality of the advertisement itself, and other factors such as relevance. The higher the Ad Rank, the better your chances are to show up higher in search results or have your ad displayed on websites.


Uses a bidding strategy system to decide which ads show up in search results. You can choose between manual and automatic bidding, depending on your preference. Manual bidding means you will set the desired maximum cost per click or cost per impression when creating an ad campaign. Automatic bidding will optimize bids for you using data from previous campaigns, suggesting the best bid for you to get more clicks or impressions.


An impression is an indication of how many times an ad has been seen. Impressions are also known as “views,” meaning when someone sees your ad in their search result or on a webpage, that counts as one impression. Knowing the number of impressions you receive is important for measuring the success of an ad campaign.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

CPC stands for Cost per Click, and is the amount of money you will pay each time a user clicks on your ad. This cost amount can vary, depending on several factors such as the quality of your advertisement, relevance to search terms, and more.

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

CPM stands for Cost per Thousand Impressions, and is the amount of money you will pay each time your ad is viewed by 1,000 people. This cost can also vary depending on factors like the quality and relevance of the ad itself.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

CTR stands for Click Through Rate, and is a metric used to measure the success of an ad campaign. It's calculated by dividing the number of clicks your ad receives by the total number of impressions it has received. The higher the figure, the more successful your ad will be.

Campaign Type

When creating an ad, you will need to select the type of campaign you want to run. The most common types are search, display ads, and video ads. Each type serves a different purpose and can be used to reach different audiences.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who have taken some kind of action after seeing your ad, such as clicking on a link or filling out a form. Knowing this metric is important to measure the effectiveness of your ads, and will help you determine what campaigns are successful and which ones need improvement.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are extra pieces of information that can be added to your ad, such as phone numbers or links to other pages. These can make your ads more visible and increase the chances of a user clicking through to your website or landing page.


Keywords are words or phrases that help determine which ads show up in search results. For example, if someone searches for “running shoes”, your ad will only appear if it contains the keyword “running shoes” somewhere in the text. Choosing the right keywords is essential to successful Google Ads campaigns.

Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are words or phrases that you do not want your ad to appear for in search results. For example, if you sell running shoes but don’t want your ad to show up when someone searches for “dress shoes”, then “dress shoes” would be a negative keyword. Using negative keywords can help make sure that your ad is only shown to relevant users.

Audience Targeting

Audience targeting allows you to show your ads to a specific group of people based on their interests, location, age, and more. Knowing who the target audience for your ad is can help ensure that it reaches the right people, increasing the chances of them clicking through your website or landing page.

Quality Score

Quality score is a metric used to measure the quality of an ad. This metric combines several factors, such as ad relevance and click-through rate, to give you an overall score that shows how well your ad is performing. Knowing this metric can help you determine which ads are successful and which ones need improvement.

Does Google Ads Works?

Yes, running google ads can be a powerful tool to generate leads. It is an effective way to target potential customers who are actively searching for products and services that you offer.

With precise targeting and optimization techniques, campaigns can deliver the best results and help you grow your business.

With our expertise in lead generation services, we can help you maximize the results of your campaigns and ensure that you get the best return on investment.

Google ads, marketing digital

Why Evergreen PPC campaigns are important?

Evergreen PPC campaigns are important because they allow you to continuously generate leads without having to create a new campaign each time. By creating an evergreen Google Ads campaign, you can ensure that your ads will always be seen by the right people and that you’ll never have to worry about running out of leads.

Evergreen campaigns are also cost-effective, since you don’t have to continually create new campaigns and can focus on optimizing the ones you already have.

Ever green campaign, marketing digital

Best practices for reducing PPC cost campaigns

Putting it all together, is a powerful tool for any business looking to take their lead generation efforts up a notch. With the right strategies and techniques in place, Google Ads can be the key to driving success and unlocking the potential of your business.

  • Choose the right keywords: Use Google’s Keyword Planner to identify relevant and high-performing keywords for your PPC campaigns.
  • Utilize negative keywords: With Google Ads, you can add negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches.
  • Set budget caps: Google Ads allows you to set budget caps to make sure your spending never goes over a certain amount.
  • Bid Strategy according to your marketing plans
  • Geographical area: specify the area in which your ideal customer is located
  • Monitor keyword performance: Google Ads provides detailed information on how each keyword is performing, so you can adjust accordingly.
  • Conduct A/B testing: Use experiments tool to test different versions of your ad to determine which one works best.
  • Deploy remarketing: create remarketing campaigns that target people who have previously interacted with your business.
  • Google Tag Manager: Google Tag Manager helps you take your Google Ads tracking to the next level by allowing you to analyze and optimize your PPC campaigns.
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is an invaluable tool to help you measure your campaigns’ success and optimize them accordingly.
  • Set-Up Google Ads conversion tracking
  • Landing page optimization: Make sure your ads are leading to optimized and effective landing pages that guide visitors through a simple, seamless process.

Putting it all together, Google Ads is a powerful tool for any business looking to take their lead generation efforts up a notch. With the right strategies and techniques in place, Google Ads can be the key to driving success and unlocking the potential of your business.

Contact us for Lead Generation and CRM Automation Service!

Try our lead generation service with Google Ads today and see how quickly you can start generating leads! With our comprehensive strategy and personalized support, we’ll help you get the most out of your ad budget. Schedule now and take advantage! Start growing your business today!

FAQ about Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is Google’s online advertising platform used to connect businesses with potential customers. Google Ads allows you to create campaigns and target specific audiences, so you can generate leads cost-effectively. The platform also offers powerful tools for tracking and optimizing your campaigns, so you can adjust your strategy as needed.

PPC Google Ads stands for pay-per-click Google Ads, a type of online advertising in which you are charged only when someone clicks on your ad. PPC Google Ads is one of the most popular and effective ways to generate leads and maximize the efficiency of your Google Ads budget.

Google Ads is a type of PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, meaning you are charged only when someone clicks on your ad. Google Ads also offers CPC (cost-per-click) options, which allow you to set a maximum bid for each click and help control how much you spend on campaigns.

The benefits of PPC marketing include the ability to control your spending, target specific audiences for the most qualified leads possible, and track results to adjust your strategy accordingly. Additionally, PPC campaigns are easy to launch and you can start generating leads quickly.

The choice between SEO and PPC depends on your goals and needs. SEO provides longer-term benefits and is focused on organic search engine rankings, while PPC Google Ads offers quicker results but requires a larger budget. Ultimately, Google Ads can be used to supplement an SEO strategy or as a stand-alone lead-generation tool.

Search engines are online services that allow users to search for information on the internet. They use algorithms and software programs to index and sort through billions of web pages available online, allowing people to quickly and easily find what they’re looking for. Search engine results pages (SERPs) display relevant websites ranked in order of relevance based on their algorithm’s assessment. Most search engines also use “keywords” or other metadata to provide more precise results. Popular search engines include Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

Yes. Google ads offer a wide range of features and options to help you generate qualified leads with digital marketing, including Search Network and Google Display Network. Additionally, allows you to control your spending by setting a budget for each campaign that fits within your marketing budget – so you’re never overspending to get the leads you need. Google ad is a great way to maximize the efficiency of your lead-generation efforts.

Remarketing campaigns allow you to target users who have already interacted with your website or app and show them relevant ads based on their behavior. This is an effective way to generate leads since it allows you to stay in front of potential customers, even after they have left your website

Works by allowing you to create campaigns and target specific audiences. The platform uses an auction system to determine the cost per click (CPC) of your ads, and you’re only charged when a user clicks on your ad. Google also offers various tools for tracking and optimizing your campaigns, so you can adjust your strategy to make sure you’re getting the most out of your Google Ads budget.

Yes, you will need to create an account. Once your Google Ads account is set up, you can start creating campaigns, setting budgets for each campaign, and targeting specific audiences to generate leads. Google Ads also offers various tools to track your campaigns and optimize them accordingly.

Google provides a variety of campaigns for lead generation, including Google Search Network (text-based ads that show up when someone searches using Google) and Google Display Network (display-based ads that show on websites across the web). Google Ads also offers various tools to help track your campaigns and optimize them accordingly. Additionally, Google Ads remarketing campaigns allow you to target users who have already interacted with your website or app.

To start, you’ll need to create an account and link it to your Google Ads account. Once your account is set up, you can then create campaigns, set budgets for each campaign, target specific audiences, and optimize your campaigns for the best google ad results.

Choosing the right keywords for your campaign is essential to ensuring that your ads are seen by the right people and generate qualified leads. Google Ads has a keyword planner tool that allows you to research relevant keywords for your campaigns, so you can target the right audiences and get the most out of your budget.

Common mistakes to avoid with Google Ad include setting a budget that is too low, not researching and selecting relevant keywords, not using negative keywords, and not monitoring and optimizing your campaigns regularly. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you’re targeting the right audiences for your campaigns by using segmentation tools. 

Google Ads offers a wide range of features and options to help you generate qualified leads, including Search Network and Google Display Network. Additionally, with Google Ads you can control your spending by setting a budget for each campaign that fits within your marketing budget – so you’re never overspending to get the leads you need.