

The Best Way to Improve Workflow

Integrations in a CRM platform are an essential component for any business that wants to maximize the efficiency of its customer relationship management (CRM). Integrations allow businesses to connect disparate systems and platforms, unlocking powerful insights and streamlining processes. This type of integration helps to improve workflow, reduce manual tasks, automate data entry, and make it easier for users to access customer data from multiple sources. It also gives businesses greater control over their customer relationships and provides more insight into their customers’ behavior. With our powerful integration capabilities, businesses can get the most out of their CRM investments and ensure that they are getting the most value out of each customer interaction.

CRM Integrations Digital Drops

Platforms that can be integrated into our CRM

The right integrations can make your workday a lot easier. Find the platforms that are perfect for your business and start seeing results!

Facebook and Intgram CRM integration Digital Drops

Facebook & Instagram

DM and Lead form integrations are invaluable assets for any business looking to create deeper connections with its customers. This integration allows businesses to send personalized messages directly to their customers, as well as collect valuable leads without leaving the platform. Businesses can nurture existing relationships and build new ones faster than ever before. Facebook and Instagram can provide businesses with a holistic view of customer data, allowing them to measure engagement across multiple channels. With this integration, businesses can access valuable insights that will help them tailor their marketing efforts for greater success. Additionally, businesses can track the effectiveness of their campaigns in real time and adjust their strategies on the fly to maximize results.

WordPress Integration - Digital Drops CRM


Website forms, Chat Widget and landing pages can help businesses capture more customer data, helping them build a better understanding of their customers and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. With this integration, businesses can create custom forms to quickly collect detailed information from potential customers, and understand their preferences, interests, and pain points.


Mail Gun is a robust SMTP provider that helps businesses send and receive emails reliably. With MailGun, businesses can easily set up automated email campaigns for lead generation or customer communications, customize their email delivery infrastructure to ensure maximum inbox success, and track deliverability with real-time analytics.


Twilio integration can help businesses quickly and easily send SMS messages, voice calls, and calls to their customers. With this integration, businesses can automate customer notifications, build interactive customer experiences through personalized communication channels, monitor customer engagement in real-time, and track the performance of campaigns for maximum ROI.

Zapier Integration - Digital Drops CRM


Zapier integration can help businesses automate digital workflows, freeing up time and resources for more important tasks. This integration allows users to connect different web apps and create automated processes, or “zaps”. For example, users can set up a zap so that when a customer completes a form on their website, the information is automatically added to their CRM. With this integration, businesses can automate mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more important activities. Other benefits include:

  • Automatically receive alerts when specific events occur
  • Streamline data transfer between different applications
  • Reduce manual work and save time for other tasks 
  • Improve the accuracy of data collection and analysis 
  • Enjoy real-time visibility into operations and performance
GMB CRM integration Digital Drops

Google My Business Profile

Google My Business (GMB) can help businesses gain deeper insights into their customer profiles. With GMB integration, businesses can easily view and manage customer reviews, respond to queries, track customers' interactions across multiple channels, and keep track of key performance indicators like website visits and engagements. Additionally, this integration helps businesses improve their local SEO rankings and visibility, making it easier for customers to discover them.

Stripe CRM integration Digital Drops


Stripe integration can help businesses quickly and easily process payments, streamlining the checkout process and improving customer experience. With this integration, businesses can accept payments from customers in a range of currencies, securely store payment information for future transactions, and track sales performance in real time. Additionally, Stripe provides powerful fraud protection measures to protect both merchants and customers.

Paypal CRM integration Digital Drops


Paypal integration can help businesses quickly process payments and increase revenue. With this integration, businesses can securely accept a variety of payment methods from customers around the world, streamline checkout processes and reduce manual data entry, and track customer payments in real time.

Email Marketing CRM integration Digital Drops

Email Marketing

Email marketing integration can help businesses reach customers quickly and efficiently. With this integration, businesses can create targeted email campaigns to engage existing customers, capture leads from new contacts, automate emails for nurturing relationships with prospects, and track the performance of their email campaigns in real-time. Additionally, this integration allows businesses to segment their contact lists according to customer preferences and interests for more effective targeting.

Calendar CRM integration Digital Drops


Calendars integration can help businesses stay organized and streamline their workflow. This integration allows users to quickly view and manage events on their calendars, create reminders and notifications for upcoming tasks, and easily share information with colleagues. With this integration, businesses can also set up automatic data syncing between multiple calendars, ensuring that everyone is always on the same page. This can help improve collaboration within teams, save time and resources, and ensure that tasks are completed on time.


TikTok integration can help businesses reach new audiences and generate leads. With this integration, businesses can create engaging content that resonates with their target audiences, monitor user-generated content to identify customers who are already interested in their products or services and track the performance of campaigns to ensure maximum ROI.

Quickbooks CRM integration Digital Drops


QuickBooks integration can help businesses efficiently manage their finances, streamline accounting processes, and improve financial visibility. With this integration, businesses can easily sync invoices and expenses with their QuickBooks account for streamlined bookkeeping, tracking customer payments in real-time, and accessing valuable financial insights to inform better decision-making.

What are some benefits of using Integrations in a CRM platform?

There are many benefits of using integrations with certain CRM platforms. Some of the main advantages include:

Streamlined Data Entry

Automating data entry simplifies the process of tracking customer activity, allowing businesses to quickly access and analyze customer information without wasting time on manual entry or search processes.

Enhanced Customer Experience

By connecting different systems into a single platform, customers can get all the information they need in one place for a more seamless experience.

Enhanced Customer Experience

By connecting different systems into a single platform, customers can get all the information they need in one place for a more seamless experience.

Greater Insight into Customers

Integrations help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their customers as well as identify patterns in their behavior for better decision-making.

Improved Efficiency

Automation helps reduce the manual tasks associated with CRM, freeing up time and resources for more important activities.

Consolidation of Platforms

Combining data from multiple sources into a single platform helps businesses save time and money by reducing duplicate efforts.

Improved Security

By having data stored in one centralized location, businesses can better protect their customer information from unauthorized access or misuse.

Automated Tasks

Integrations give users the ability to automate tasks such as email campaigns or customer surveys, freeing up more of their valuable time.

Automated Reporting

Automating reporting processes helps businesses quickly identify trends and isolate areas for improvement without investing too much effort or resources into manual processes.

Easier Collaboration

Connecting multiple platforms makes it easier for teams to collaborate on projects and share customer-related information more efficiently than ever before.

Comprehensive Customer Profile

Integrations allow businesses to get a more complete picture of their customers in one place, helping them make better decisions.

Are you ready to take your customer relationship management (CRM) platform to the next level?

With Digital Drops CRM Integrations, you can streamline data entry, automate tasks, and get a comprehensive view of customers in one place! Book a free trial today to start implementing Integration in your business.


Integration is the process of connecting two or more pieces of software for a seamless exchange of data and services. This type of integration enables businesses to take advantage of improved efficiency, automated tasks, greater insight into customers, and enhanced customer experiences.

Integrations help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their customers, streamline data entry, automate tasks, and improve efficiency. Integrations also allow businesses to consolidate platforms into one central location for better security and easier collaboration.

The main benefits of CRM integration include streamlining data entry, enhanced customer experiences, insights into customers’ behavior, improved efficiency and security, automated tasks, and consolidation of platforms. Additionally, integrating CRM with other systems provides a more comprehensive view of customers for better decision-making.

Common CRM integrations include Facebook,  Instagram, TikTok, QuickBooks, Stripe, and Paypal. Integrating these platforms with your CRM will enable you to get the most out of your customer relationship management platform.

When integrating CRM with other platforms, it’s important to consider the user experience and ensure data is secure. It’s also important to test integrations thoroughly before rolling them out to customers. Additionally, make sure you have a plan in place for how you will use the data collected from integrations and any resulting insights.

When integrating CRM with other platforms, it’s important to consider the user experience and ensure data is secure. It’s also important to test integrations thoroughly before rolling them out to customers. Additionally, make sure you have a plan in place for how you will use the data collected from integrations and any resulting insights.

Common problems with CRM integration include slow response times, difficulty connecting multiple systems, data security issues, and a lack of understanding about how to use the data gained from integrations. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you understand the terms of service for each platform you are integrating with.

Zapier is a web-based automation platform that enables users to connect web applications and automate workflows. Zapier allows users to quickly and easily create automated workflows between different apps with no coding required.

The main benefit of using Zapier is its ability to save time by automating tasks and eliminating manual data entry. It also allows users to easily connect multiple applications, saving development resources. Zapier enables users to securely transfer data between apps and share it with their team for improved collaboration.

Zapier enables users to automate workflows and transfer data between applications. It can be used for a variety of tasks, such as creating automated customer support tickets, integrating payment systems, or creating customized marketing campaigns. Zapier also provides analytics tools to help users gain insights into their data.

Popular Zapier integrations include Slack, Gmail, Stripe, Paypal, Trello, and QuickBooks. These platforms can be used to automate tasks such as customer support ticket creation or payment processing. Additionally, Zapier also offers several built-in integrations with popular apps like Twitter and Instagram.