
Streamline Your Business Operations with Advanced CRM Solutions

It's hard to keep track of all your customer interactions, especially when you're dealing with a high volume of customers. Not having a good CRM system can lead to lost sales opportunities and unhappy customers.

Digital Drops is the perfect solution for automating your CRM tasks. Our software will help you manage your customer interactions more effectively and improve your customer satisfaction ratings and of course, close more deals!

Digital Crops CRM

What is a CRM software?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is a tool that helps businesses organize, manage and analyze customer interactions. With the help of our CRM software Automation Services, you can automate your marketing and sales tasks, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Powerful CRM software, designed to cut costs and boost productivity.

Our CRM solution helps businesses adopt an organized and efficient approach to managing customer relationships. This allows teams to engage with the right contacts, streamline sales processes, increase operational efficiency and boost revenue. With our Unlimited Contacts CRM, companies can easily track their marketing and sales pipelines, optimize their strategies for maximum ROI and keep customers happy. Investing in powerful CRM software is an effective way for businesses to boost productivity and improve customer relationships.

Take advantages with automated CRM solutions that save time and streamline operations.

Automation can help you save time and effort in managing your customer relationships. By automating marketing and sales tasks, you can reduce the amount of manual work that needs to be done daily and free up more time for other important aspects of your business. Automation also helps ensure consistency when it comes to customer service and follow-up, since tasks are performed automatically and customers receive the same quality of service every time.

Transform your sales and marketing operations with our cloud-based CRM platform.

Using cloud base CRM solution can help you save time and money by eliminating the need to install software on-site in desktop computers and laptops. Additionally, it allows for faster access to customer data, as well as improved scalability and flexibility. Furthermore, using a cloud-based CRM platform eliminates hardware costs, allowing you to focus your resources on other areas of your business.

mobile devices crm

We make it easy to get your business organized and keep in touch with your customers on the go.

The Benefits of Using a Mobile CRM app for customer relationship management automation has numerous benefits. With our mobile app, you can access customer and lead data anytime, anywhere. This makes it easier to stay connected to your customers and prospects while on the go. Additionally, using a mobile app lets you respond quickly to queries and requests, as well as monitor and track lead progress. Our mobile app also helps you manage customer information and organize contact information, so you can easily access it when needed.

SMS integration allows businesses to communicate with their customers on a more personal level, increasing customer retention and satisfaction

A CRM with text messaging integration can be incredibly beneficial to any business. By integrating SMS functionality into your CRM, you can streamline customer communications, increase customer engagement and loyalty, and improve the efficiency of your sales processes.

SMS-integrated CRMs enable businesses to quickly respond to customer inquiries and keep track of interactions with customers. This can help to reduce response times, make customer service more efficient and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, CRM systems with SMS integration enable businesses to easily send out broadcasts to their entire customer base or a select group of contacts. This allows them to keep their customers informed about new products and offers, encouraging repeat purchases and boosting loyalty.

Get Unlimited Pipelines and Contact management: Track all your marketing and sales pipelines, engage with the right contacts, and close more deals.

Unlimited pipelines and contact management are essential components of a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) system. Pipelines allow companies to prioritize, organize and track all leads, accounts, contacts, and opportunities in one central location. With unlimited pipelines, businesses can design multiple pipelines with specific criteria that help streamline their sales process while promoting better customer engagement. Contact management capabilities enable businesses to store, track and organize customer information such as contact details, interactions, activities, and projects in one place – eliminating the need for manual data entry. Additionally, comprehensive contact management features allow you to easily segment customers based on their preferences and interests, making targeted outreach effortless. With unlimited pipelines and contact management capabilities, businesses can maximize their CRM system’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Why Choose Our CRM Automation Services?

At Digital Drops, we offer advanced sales force automation services that help businesses streamline their operations. We provide custom solutions for each client to ensure that their needs are met and that their processes are as efficient as possible. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a tailored CRM automation solution that meets your specific requirements. With our services, you can save time and effort while staying connected to your customers and prospects.

Benefits of using our CRM Automation Services

At Digital Drops, we offer advanced CRM automation services that help businesses streamline their operations. We provide custom solutions for each client to ensure that their needs are met and that their processes are as efficient as possible. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a tailored CRM automation solution that meets your specific requirements. With our services, you can save time and effort while staying connected to your customers and prospects.

Streamline customer interactions

Automating your marketing and sales tasks gives you more control over customer interaction. You can ensure that all emails, calls, messages, and other communication is sent out in a timely manner, without any manual errors.

Increase productivity

By eliminating manual tasks, you can increase your employees' productivity and focus on more important areas of the business. Automation also allows for faster execution of sales processes as tasks are completed quickly and accurately.

Simplify customer journey

Automating marketing and sales processes makes it easier for customers to navigate their journey. Automation reduces the time it takes to complete tasks, allowing your customers to access the services they need faster and with fewer mistakes.

Improve customer retention

By automating marketing and sales processes, you can provide a consistent experience throughout the customer journey. This helps to build trust between you and your customers, resulting in improved customer retention.

Top CRM Features

Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation feature helps businesses automate many of their customer-facing processes. With this feature, users can create custom workflows to handle repetitive tasks such as appointment confirmation, document signing, payment processing, and follow up emails. This automation makes it easier for companies to manage customer interactions and streamline their operations. Additionally, with automated workflows in place, businesses can quickly respond to customer requests while freeing up time and resources for other activities. The Workflow Automation CRM feature offers an efficient way to manage customer relationships while keeping costs low and maximizing productivity.

Unlimited Contacts

Gives businesses the power to stay connected with clients and prospects at all times. With a streamlined contact management system, users can store an unlimited number of contacts, access them anytime, anywhere, and track contact engagement across various channels. It also offers powerful analytics tools to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Businesses can use these insights to develop more targeted strategies and increase sales. This flexible system makes it easy to keep your contact list up-to-date and organized so that you're always in touch with your customers.

Unlimited Pipelines

Unlimited Pipelines is an invaluable asset for businesses that need to manage multiple customer relationships. This platform enables users to configure automated and complex Sales Pipelines with unlimited stages and transactions. This means that the organization can build deep relationships with its customers, allowing them to track the progress of each transaction and make sure it’s moving along efficiently. The system also offers powerful analytics dashboards so businesses can optimize their pipelines and access valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. With this intelligent data-driven system, organizations are able to better customize solutions based on customer feedback and needs in order to increase efficiency and deliver more value.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing helps companies design, create, and send out email campaigns to their customers. With this feature, users can build custom customer lists, segment contacts into groups, and create email templates that are personalized for each individual customer. This allows businesses to tailor their messages to target specific demographics and personalize the content they share with their customers. Additionally, the Email Marketing CRM feature also provides powerful analytics tools so organizations can track the success of their campaigns in real-time. This enables businesses to adjust their strategies quickly and maximize returns from every email campaign and contact management.

Social Planner

With social planner users can post on multiple social networks simultaneously , businesses can save time and money when creating their online presence. This feature allows users to schedule posts in advance and post them across a variety of different platforms at the same time. Not only does this make it easy for organizations to reach more people, but it also gives them a platform-agnostic approach to marketing, which can help them grow their customer base and increase their bottom line.

Unlimited Calendars

The Unlimited Calendars helps companies and teams organize their customer-facing programs and tasks. With this feature, users can track deadlines, meetings, events, tasks, and contact interactions in one comprehensive calendar. This allows businesses to keep up with important dates, easily manage customer relationships, schedule communications and more. The Unlimited Calendars CRM also offers powerful customization options so organizations can tailor the way they present information to different stakeholders. This makes it easier to keep on top of customer relations while staying organized and efficient.

Chat Widget

Generate more leads with ease! Turn web visitors into valuable leads with our powerful Chat Widget tool. Stay organized and capture every potential customer who lands on your page to help you convert them faster! Then seamlessly send them directly to your CRM.

Unlimited Landing Pages

With Unlimited Landing Pages, businesses can quickly and easily create custom landing pages for their website. This feature allows companies to capture more leads, increase conversions, and boost customer engagement. The tool also includes powerful analytics tools that enable organizations to track performance metrics over time so they can make informed decisions about their campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly. Additionally, Unlimited Landing Pages CRM simplifies the process of optimizing each page with A/B testing and other features. By leveraging this feature, businesses can maximize website traffic and improve ROI from their online marketing efforts.

Social Media Integration

This integration enables businesses to link their popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. This allows companies to quickly and easily drive traffic to their website or app by engaging with followers and potential customers on these networks. Moreover, the CRM feature provides users with a powerful suite of tools that allow them to monitor and measure performance metrics over time in order to optimize campaigns. With social platforms integration, businesses can maximize their reach, engage more effectively with customers, and increase brand awareness.

FB & IG Messaging

The Facebook and Instagram Direct Messages feature enables businesses to send direct messages to specific users on both platforms. This feature helps brands personalize their messaging in order to connect with customers more effectively and build better relationships. Additionally, the CRM feature allows companies to track the performance of their direct messages to better understand user engagement and optimize campaigns accordingly. By leveraging this powerful tool, brands can take advantage of one-on-one opportunities with customers and drive higher ROI from social media marketing efforts.

Reputation Management

The Online Reputation Management feature allows companies to effectively monitor and manage their online reputation. This feature helps businesses track customer reviews and respond to it, on social media platforms, and negative content on the web. With this powerful tool, businesses can respond quickly and appropriately to customer feedback as well as take proactive steps to maintain a positive online presence.

WordPress Integration

The WordPress integration CRM feature allows businesses to link their WordPress website with the CRM system. This feature enables users to manage their customers, leads, and other business contacts, while also providing them with an easy way to keep track of customer activity, data, and relations within the CRM platform. Moreover, this integration streamlines marketing efforts by allowing companies to easily create targeted campaigns and monitor performance right within WordPress. With this handy tool, brands can maximize efficiency and make sure they are providing the best possible experience for their customers.

Own Custom Business Number

This feature allows businesses to assign a unique and customized business phone number. In addition, the number can be used to develop automated processes like phone calls, or voice mail and notifications, enhancing customer service productivity and satisfaction.

Inbound & Outbound Calls

The automated inbound and outbound calls feature allows businesses to streamline their communication protocols. This feature utilizes intelligent algorithms to automate incoming and outgoing call processes, helping businesses quickly connect with customers or clients no matter the time or place. Additionally, this feature can be customized to specific business needs such as phone numbers, engaging with customers in multiple languages or handling frequently asked questions. As a result, this CRM feature helps businesses save time and resources while also providing an improved customer experience.

Inbound & Outbound SMS

The automated inbound and outbound SMS feature helps businesses stay connected with their customers by sending customized messages, notifications, and reminders from personalized phone numbers. This feature automates the communication process between a business and its customers, allowing users to quickly and easily send personalized messages. It also provides analytics on customer response rate, enabling businesses to measure the success of their campaigns or outreach. With this powerful tool, companies can save time while providing a better customer experience.

Calendars & Scheduling

The unlimited teams calendars and scheduling provides a centralized space to manage schedules, tasks, and appointments. This feature allows businesses to streamline their internal communication processes by creating and managing multiple calendars across an organization in one place. It also enables users to set up automated reminders and notifications related to upcoming events or deadlines you can synchronize your gmail or outlook calendar from microsoft teams . As a result, businesses can easily coordinate projects and tasks in real-time while providing an improved customer experience.

IOS & Android Mobile App

The IOS and Android mobile app access allows businesses to manage their operations from the convenience of their mobile phone. This feature provides users with an intuitive interface for quickly creating and managing contacts, accounts, projects and tasks. It also enables users to access critical data such as client information, customer feedback, support tickets and orders in real-time. With this mobile access capability, businesses can increase productivity while ensuring that customers have more control over their experience.

Custom Fields

The unlimited Custom Fields allows businesses to create personalized fields that can store important customer information such as contact details, preferences, interests, sales history and more. This feature provides users with a simple way to organize data and customize the customer experience. With this capability, businesses can ensure that they are delivering tailored services which improve customer satisfaction and drive long-term loyalty.

How Digital Drops CRM Automation Services Can Help Your Business

Digital Drops' CRM automation services are designed to make your life easier. Our automated tools allow you to streamline customer follow-ups, manage leads, track progress, and store customer information.

Benefits of CRM automation in Real Estate

Customer Relationship Management automation offers numerous benefits in the real estate industry. Automating customer follow-ups, tracking lead progress, and managing customer information are just some of the ways CRM automation can help streamline your processes and improve efficiency. With automation, you can ensure that leads are followed up on quickly, tracked easily, and managed effectively. Additionally, using automation can help reduce paperwork and free up more time for you to focus on closing deals.

relationships with customers crm customer

CRM Automation in Small Businesses

For small businesses, CRM system automation can be an invaluable tool. Automation removes the burden of tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on growing your business and serving your customers better. From customer segmentation to predictive analytics, automation can help streamline processes, reduce errors, and improve customer experience. Additionally, automation can help free up more time for you to focus on building relationships with existing customers and acquiring new ones.

small business small businesses small teams

Improve your Customer Service with Automations

CRM software helps businesses to better manage their customer relationships. CRM automation provides a powerful tool for streamlining customer service processes, enabling companies to engage customers more efficiently and effectively. With CRM software, companies can quickly respond to customer inquiries and requests, as well as improve overall customer service. CRM software allows companies to manage customer data, automate tasks such as follow-up and scheduling, and create a unified view of customers that provides a better understanding of their needs. CRM automation also eliminates manual processes so that employees can focus on providing superior customer service.

Realizing the full potential of CRM requires a whole-company approach. Leveraging it beyond its traditional sales and marketing applications into core business functions such as finance, customer services, and supply chain management can have tremendous impacts on productivity while transitioning to be more customer focused.

improve customer service customer interactions customer satisfaction

Contact Us!

Book a free demo now! With our user-friendly CRM platform, you can easily manage contacts, pipelines and tasks with unparalleled efficiency. Get exclusive access to the latest features and insights – book your demo today!


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is a tool that helps businesses organize, manage and analyze customer interactions.

Using a CRM platform in the cloud can help you save time and money by eliminating the need to install software on-site on desktop computers. Additionally, it allows for faster access to customer data, as well as improved scalability and flexibility. Furthermore, using a cloud-based CRM platform eliminates hardware costs, allowing you to focus your resources on other areas of your business.

Customer Relationship Management Automation helps streamline customer interaction by eliminating manual tasks and freeing up time for more important business processes. Automation also helps ensure consistency when it comes to customer service and follow-up.

The benefits of automation include increased productivity, improved customer retention, and a simplified customer journey. Automation also helps reduce errors and save time compared to manual processes.

With the help of our Customer Relationship Management Automation Services, you can automate your marketing and sales tasks quickly and accurately. Our service is designed to provide tailored solutions that will meet your needs and help you get the most out of your CRM system.

When automating your CRM processes, it is important to ensure you are providing a consistent customer experience throughout the customer journey. Additionally, it is important to track and monitor customer data regularly in order to identify areas of improvement. Finally, be sure to use automated tools that are tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

It is important to choose a CRM that meets your business needs and objectives. When selecting a CRM, consider factors such as scalability, security, user friendliness and integrations. Additionally, it is important to consider the cost of the CRM solution in order to ensure you are getting value for money.

Customer Relationship Management automation is a process of automating marketing and sales tasks in order to streamline customer interaction. This can be achieved by implementing an automated workflow that triggers specific responses based on customer data. Additionally, it helps ensure consistency when it comes to customer service and follow-up.

Some common mistakes when using a CRM system include not tracking customer data, failing to customize the system to meet your business needs and not taking advantage of automated tools. Additionally, it is important to ensure you are regularly monitoring reports and performance metrics in order to identify areas for improvement.

The future of CRM software looks bright, with more businesses embracing automated processes to drive customer loyalty and engagement. Automation will continue to evolve with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics being integrated into existing systems.

The future trends in CRM system will focus on personalization and predictive analytics. With the help of AI-based technologies, businesses will be able to provide tailored customer experiences and anticipate customer needs more accurately. Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on data security in order to ensure that customers’ data is safe and secure.

Some popular examples of CRM software include automated lead scoring and segmentation, personalized email campaigns, automatic customer support, and sales notifications. Additionally, many businesses use automated workflows to personalize the customer journey and boost engagement. Finally, AI-based tools are becoming increasingly popular in order to provide more accurate predictions and insights.

Explore More Features

Marketing Features

Automation Features

Sales Features